Bio-fi natural food fibre

It is used as raw material for a broad spectrum of products in order to solve a variety of functional and technological problems, as well as gives the unique properties to the ready product, that are connected with consumer’s health.

About beetroot food fibre

Food fibre is a food component, that can’t be digested by digestion ferments of human body, but it can be digested by bowel microflora. The food fibre is contained only in cellar membranes of plants. One of the main components of beetroot food fibre are cellulose and pectin.

Pectin (from Greek pektikos, congealed, curdled) is an agglutinative substance of plant origin. In nature pectin is contained in plant raw material, fruits, vegetables, roots. It refers to the soluble food fibres.

Cellulose is a natural polymer of glucose, got after the process of photosynthesis. It is not soluble neither in water, nor in weak acids while getting to gastrointestinal tract and acts like brush for dishwashing. It removes the stuck dirt from the intestinal wall, absorbs accumulated toxin, adsorbs cholesterol and removes them from human body. It is used in different diets for getting the feeling of satisfaction, as well as for improving of intestines peristalsis.

The food fibres differ in composition and in their properties. The soluble ones remove heavy metals, toxins, radioisotopes, cholesterol. Insoluble ones, in turn, keep water, improving the bowels peristalsis. As a rule, there are food fibers of different types in plant products. Thus, with the various types of nutrition, the organism gets:

– Firstly, the essential amount of fibers;
– Secondly, fibers with different action mechanisms.

However, it is getting more and more difficult for people to fulfil this easy rule with our modern rhythm of life. We rush to solve one problem and then another, eating snacks.

It seemed that there was an easy and convenient solution. This solution can be eating the food full of fiber. In Western countries such products have been fully integrated into everyday lifestyle.

Our Company proposes for the producer’s consideration a new product. It is our Bio-Fi natural Beetroot Fiber!

All the processes of Bio-fi production (cleaning, bleaching, disinfection) are conducted in accordance with proper technologies, as well as strict compliance with standards. It highlights our product among the other, presenting at the market, that are really not for food production use.

Functional advantages

  • They improve organoleptic properties of ready product.
  • They improve rheological properties of ready product.
  • They stabilize the semiproduct structure.
  • They ensure the uniform distribution and strong hold of water and fat in the final product.
  • They improve microbiological stability of the product.
  • They decrease calorie content.
  • They improve thermal stability of the target product.
  • They are inert to any prescription ingredients of the product.
  • They have excellent emulsifying and stabilizing properties
  • They enrich ready products with dietary fibre.

Economical advantage

The amount of the product

The output of the target product increases to 15%, with the product properties are not violated.

Losses reducing

Thanks to the use of dietary fiber, it is quite possible to reduce technological losses, as well as the percentage of defects in the target product.


The semiproduct manufacturability containing fiber in its composition will be appreciated by even the most demanding technologist.

Cost price

The fiber introduction in the recipe allows to reduce the consumption of expensive components, such as melange, margarine, pectin, etc. by up to 20%.

Action mechanism

The dietary fiber introduction in the recipe significantly increases the water- and fat-binding ability of the semiproduct. The liquids are transported to the core of the cellulose fibers, and are also bound by pectin. In this case, the consistency is not adversely affected and, thus, the stability of the product is ensured. Unlike other swelling and water-absorbing agents, fiber does not pasterize and does not interact with other components during the technological process. This allows to achieve good bonding of components while improving the texture of the product.

Fiber is essential to ensure proper functioning of the digestive system.

Insoluble fibers, like a sponge, swell inside the intestine and absorb all the slags and toxic substances that poison the body from the inside. Soluble fibers have a slightly softer effect.

Getting inside, dietary fibers are not converted into energy, but serve as the basis for the growth and reproduction of useful intestinal microflora. For example, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which produce some vitamins, actively grow on fiber.

The ability of fiber to purify the body from dangerous chemical compounds, slags and products of harmful microorganisms ensures that fewer harmful substances enter the circulatory system. Fiber is an effective brush that cleanes the intestinal lumen. At the same time, useful microelements and vitamins enter the blood in full.

The benefits of consuming plant fiber during a diet are undeniable. Coarse plant fibers increase in volume up to five times – this process creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. The brain, having received information about the stomach fullness, stops sending a hunger signal. This “trick” provides less absorption of food in one meal, triggering the process of weight loss.

When diagnosed with diabetes, complex carbohydrates have a positive effect on the insulin content in the blood, thereby improving the life quality of the patient. Prevention of heart and vascular diseases is also impossible without fiber, which reduces the absorption of harmful triglycerides and lipids, removes cholesterol.

We are always happy to consult you, if you have any questions, order a call and our specialist will contact you.

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Scope of using

Meat products


Pates and canned food

Dairy products

Flour and confectionery products

Animal feeds